Tri Wahyuningsih, S.Tr.Keb.,Bdn

(Bidan RSUD Ajibarang)

Infant Mortality Rate is an indicator used to determine the degree of public health. One cause of infant death is low birth weight. Efforts to reduce infant mortality by Kangaroo Mother Care in low birth weight. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Kangaroo Mother Care on weight changes in low birth weight. This study uses amethod pre experimental design with a type of pre test and post test one group design. The sampling technique with accidental sampling was 32 infants RSUD Ajibarang, data analysis using paired t test. The baby's weight study on the third day after the Kangaroo Mother Care had a mean of 2002.66 grams and a SD of 168.872. The average weight gain after Kangaroo Mother Care occurred weight gain on the first day 0.47 grams; second day 15.47 grams; third day 20.62 grams; the average total weight gain for 3 days was 12.19 grams. There is an effect of Kangaroo Mother Care on changes in birth weight for 3 days in low birth weight (p value = 0,000). Suggestions for mother to be more active about implementing Kangaroo Mother Care, for health workers to improve education to the public about Kangaroo Mother Care.
Keywords: kangaroo mother care; low birth weight

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