Deteksi dini gangguan pertumbuhan pada bayi risiko tinggi melalui monitoring berat badan:A systematicreview


Oleh : Dwi Uji Kurniasih, S.Kep.,Ns.

(Kepala Ruang Perinatologi RSUD Ajibarang)

Background: Detection of growth disorders in high-risk infants is done by monitoring weight, length, and head circumference. It is important to monitor newborn weight as a first step in detecting growth disorders in both healthy and sick infants, as well as high-risk infants.Purpose: To detect early detection of disorders in high-risk infants through weight monitoring.

Method: Systematic literature review research uses the PICO approach, namely P (problem, patient, or population), I (intervention, prognostic factor, or exposure), C (comparison or control), and O (outcome). Writing literature with keywords “early detection AND growth disorders”, “monitoring AND high risk infants AND weight”, “monitoring weight AND high risk infants”. Identifying 11 articles and then filtering according to the topic of discussion, there were 5 articles related to early detection of disorders in high-risk infants through weight monitoring.

Results: Based on the 5 articles reviewed, it shows that monitoring can be applied with several methods, including using WHO growth charts for full-term neonates and Fenton charts for less-term neonates.Conclusion: With early detection by electronic weight method, it becomes easier to manage the failure of weight gain.

Suggestion: Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) nurses can apply the use of daily weight monitoring charts to neonates, especially high risk neonates.

Keywords: Baby's Weight; Early Detection; High Risk Infants; Low Weight Babies (LBW); Monitoring; Growth


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